Days 191, 192 and 193: These late night cravings will be the death of me. Today it was sticky toffee pudding and custard. Thank God @phinnia isn’t pregnant. This hardly seems the time.

So I had to move my dentist appointment—it’s a bad idea to go to a dental office where one person is pregnant, another person’s wife is pregnant, and another person’s mother is working on a century on Earth when you have a cough during these unprecedented times. That’s fine—it’s not an emergency.

What isn’t put off, though, is my meeting about my promotion. Not that I hold out much hope for it being more than a meeting, since the proverbial wheels grind slowly, but any forward motion is more than I expected during the time of ‘Rona. Guess I’ll find out tomorrow.

We have two new dressers. I should really figure out how to get ‘em assembled. Also we should figure out what we’re doing for our fifth anniversary of arriving in New York. Oh hey it just turned into Promotion Meeting Day here.

Anyway, that’s all I got. Stay safe, wash your hands, and “be sure to drink your ovaltine.” … Oh. Guess I’m a little early for that.