The more that people tell me that I should write a book about my experiences, about how people have gotten blindness wrong (from all of the assumptions that the Blind Pension®{1} would be how I’d end up supporting myself (this includes, incidentally, the Ontario Works representative that informed me that @phinia would likely have a work requirement, but any application I made for welfare would be unconditionally approved), to the presumption that everything must needs be in braille, to the presumed need for me to have a Sighted Guide® everywhere I go), why these things were wrong, and the more I read books like Sitting Pretty (look it up when you have a second) and other views from the perspective of actually disabled people, the more I wonder when I’ll be eligible for a paid sabbatical.

{1} This was what it was called around the school I went to. By people that received it. And becoming eligible for it was considered some sort of rite of passage. Kinda makes me ill to think about it, which is part of why I’d want to do this over a sabbatical. One of the things I remember very clearly was calling the folks that administered that particular funding source, from a pay phone in Detroit, to let them know I was no longer eligible.