Day 186: How did our bed end up moved so far from its original location:? … Wait. That’s just asking for commentary, isn’t it?
So it’s back to work for me tomorrow, and back to school for @phinnia. I need to figure out how much PTO I have left, because I’d hate to leave any on the table, even if “vacation” here just generally means “not logging into my work network or dealing with meetings”. Unfortunately, @phinnia’s school goes right through until Christmas (I can’t remember if she gets a week off between autumn terms).
Other than that, my only other exciting adventures are a meeting to discuss what I might be lacking in order to get promoted (if anything) on Friday, and OH BOY A ROOT CANAL WITH ORAL SEDATION a week from today. Oh—and for folks for whom this would even mean anything, I’m thinking of maybe setting up a VPN server on a Raspberry Pi to connect back to the home network (you know, in the event we’re ever allowed to travel again), and maybe picking up one of those Silver Bullet all-in-one AllStar nodes I saw mentioned on the East Coast Reflector website. People seem to have had good experiences with them. Also our sofa needs an upgrade. I hate to ask for “more excitement”, because I’d be afraid of what that might look like unless I give very specific criteria.
Anyway, that’s all I got. Stay safe, wash your hands, and boy does this Crown Prosecutor on Law and Order: UK remind me of Jack McCoy.